Misc Links 2/4/11

Child in imaging machinePicture This: The Average US Child Has Nearly 8 Imaging Tests by Age 18 (JAMA)
That excludes dental x-rays. First large, population-based study examines the use of radiography, computed tomographic (CT) scans, and other imaging procedures in pediatric populations. 42% of children get imaged.

Close Look at a Flu Outbreak Upends Some Common Wisdom (NYT)
A study of the 2009 swine flu epidemic found that children did not catch the flu by sitting near classmates, adults probably were not infected by their children, and closing schools had little effect. Disease spread through child’s network of friends.

How Long Moms Work Linked To Slight Increase In Kids’ Weight (NPR)
Weight gain is small: a pound for each five months of work. Gain may be due to more fast food. “The problem is not maternal employment or working moms. It’s the constraints that working families feel.”

Women MDs Lose Ground in Starting Salaries (MedPage Today)
For new doctors entering the work force, women earned almost $17,000 a year less than men, regardless of their specialty. Between 1999 and 2008, the pay gap increased by a factor of five.

DOJ rejects calls to fast track health reform lawsuits to SCOTUS (Mass Device)
Dept of Justice says: “There is more than sufficient time for the case to proceed first in the court of appeals.” More time means more opportunity to build support. (SCOTUS = Supreme Court of the US)

On Metaphors, Mental Illness, and, Mayhem (Bioethics Forum)
The cumulative effect of gun language and images in an environment where guns are readily available leads an unstable, mentally ill individual to interpret this barrage as an order to take out his perceived enemy.

Complete list of links

Image: Journal of the American Medical Association


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