Misc Links 1/9/11

Man falling from World Trade towers

Complete text of articles in The Lancet require free registration.

Deadly Images (Slate)
Interview with author of “About To Die: How News Images Move the Public.” Images of the dead push viewers away, but news images of impending death are “effective.”

Where will new drugs come from? (Lancet)
Not from drug companies. Some suggestions on what can be done, but outlook is not good.

When is research on children ethical? (Lancet)
How to strike a balance between individual rights and the greater good. Review of David Wendler’s The Ethics of Pediatric Research.

Czech doctors resign en masse (Lancet)
After complaining for 20 years, thousands of doctors resign in protest over poor working conditions and low pay. Heatlh care system at risk of nation-wide collapse.

Paul Offit On The Anti-Vaccine Movement (NPR)
Outbreak of whooping cough in California involved almost 8,000 people and killed 10 children. Parents are beginning to show interest in immunization for both their own and their neighbors children.

Leaked Memo Sheds Light on Mysterious Bee Die-Offs and Who’s to Blame (AlterNet)
Beekeepers losing 30 to 40 percent of their hives each year. Pesticides that attack nervous system of insects banned in France, Germany, Italy, but not in US.

Complete list of links

Image: Slate


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