Misc Links 1/6/11

Wendell PotterWhen Insurers Put Profits Between Doctor and Patient (NYT)
Pauline Chen on Wendell Potter’s new book. The “question of conscience in a health care system dependent on for-profit insurers has lurked behind nearly every debate over health care reform.”

Cost of healthcare repeal put at $230 billion (LA Times)
May pose a challenge to Republican efforts to repeal. Boehner says he doesn’t believe the new estimate

Obama gives in to Sarah Palin’s dishonesty (Wash Post)
Reason for withdrawal of end-of-life discussion was not enough time for public review, but “death panels” were “debated to a fare-thee-well at the time Palin uttered her utter lie”

Green tea and Alzheimer’s (NHS)
Don’t believe it. “The findings do not provide conclusive evidence that green tea combats either Alzheimer’s or cancer.”

2nd person denied Ariz. transplant coverage dies (KOLD)
This is what rationing looks like

How the case against the MMR vaccine was fixed (BMJ)
Wakefield study of autism/vaccine link shown to be a fraud. First of series by journalist Brian Deer

Wakefield’s article linking MMR vaccine and autism was fraudulent (BMJ)
BMJ editorial. Wakefield altered facts and exploited MMR scare for financial gain

Complete list of links

Image: Video Cafe


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