Misc Links 1/13/11

Genetically modified crooster can't get fluGM chickens created that could prevent the spread of bird flu (Guardian)
Genetically modified chickens can still catch the flu, but their “decoy” molecules confuse the replication cycle of viruses. Technique could also be applied to pigs

Blogs encouraging suicides in the gay community (KevinMD)
Suicide is contagious among the young. Is the blogosphere contributing to and encouraging a recent suicide epidemic among young gays?

Study Tying Vaccine to Autism Was `Not a Hoax,’ Researcher Says (Bloomberg)
Wakefield replies to accusations, saying there was no fraud and he did not seek profits. “I have lost my job, my career and my country.”

USDA Breaking News: Combat Obesity, School Lunches To Change Drastically (Medical News Today)
Salt content cut in half, reduced-fat milk the new norm, all grains would be whole, potatoes limited to one cup a week. Take that, Michelle Obama critics

Move Over, Cow (WSJ)
The battle for supermarket shelf space in the almond milk category. So popular it’s hard to find

Richard Smith: How to stop the medical arms race? (BMJ)
Annual health care spending above $2500 a year increases adult mortality. The US spends over $7000

Complete list of links

Image: The Guardian


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