Misc Links 1/1/11

Sleep deprived doctorDoctors Urged to Admit Fatigue Before Performing Surgery (Businessweek)
Proposed new rules would require patient to sign consent when informed surgeon is sleep deprived

Some GOP stalwarts defend first lady’s anti-obesity campaign from Palin’s shots (Wash Post)
Mike Huckabee, Haley Barbour, Rick Santorum praise Michelle. Barack Obama: the issue “transcends politics”

Boomers Hit New Self-Absorption Milestone: Age 65 (NYT)
26 percent of the population will redefine what it means to be older

Giving Alzheimer’s Patients Their Way, Even Chocolate (NYT)
Nursing home that allows patients to have anything that brings comfort. Research suggests positive emotional experiences diminish distress and behavior problems.

The Happy Marriage Is the ‘Me’ Marriage (NYT)
In modern relationships, people want partners who make their lives more interesting

Why are the East of Cities usually Poorer? (Januarist)
In most of the northern hemisphere, winds blow west to east. In earlier dyas of smoke-stack industries and personal chimneys, east-end air quality was much lower than west-end

Half-formed thought on Wikileaks & Global Action (Clay Shirky)
“Like the music industry, the government is witnessing the million-fold expansion of edge points capable of acting on their own, without needing to ask anyone for help or permission”

Complete list of links

Image: blog.bioethics


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