Misc Links 12/21/10

Arizona denies transplantsTransplants Cut, Arizona Is Challenged by Survivors (NYT)
Rationing in action (12/21)

Court Backs Patents for Diagnostic Tests (NYT)
A closely watched development in personalized medicine. Patents on tests raise costs and impede medical progress (12/21)

Drug Makers New Targets for U.S. Fraud Inquiries, Report Says (NYT)
Drug industry overtakes defense as main target of federal fraud investigations. Pharma makes so much money by bending or breaking the rules on off-label marketing that the fines are not a deterrent. (12/21)

Can Health Care Reform Survive Without The Mandate? (Gooznews)
Yes. Those who want insurance could buy it through exchanges during one annual open-enrollment period. Those without insurance won’t be treated in emergency room (amend Hill-Burton Act). Doable but unkind. (12/21)

Proposed Amendment Would Enable States to Repeal Federal Law (NYT)
Opponents of health care want constitutional amendment allowing states to overturn any act of Congress (12/21)

Why people blog about illness (Guardian)
Blogging “fosters senses of both control and social connection, each of which is crucial for psychological wellbeing.” (12/21)

Matt Ridley on Technology, Optimism and How It’s All Going To Be Fine (Five Books)
We are obsessively pessimistic for no good reason. Our innate ability to innovate with technology will save us from disaster (12/21)

Why Remarry? (NYT)
A series of commentaries discussing second marriages (12/21)

Complete list of links

Image: Inspire


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